Monday, February 23, 2009

American Heart Month: Music for the Heart

American heart month is sponsored every year in February by the American Heart Association. In order to highlight their efforts I wanted to promote the Music for the Heart website. I developed this web resource for people looking for specific connections to music and how it can benefit heart health. My personal experience is with helping people manage stress and anxiety before surgery and as well as using music to build a new heart healthy lifestyle after experiencing heart problems. I have included many of my ideas and suggestions on the website, but also have links to much more. In addition to a section about recent research studies regarding music therapy and heart health, there are links to stories in the news and reference materials like books and music. One of the most effective ways for people to improve their cardiovascular system and heart muscle is to learn how to relax. I have provided many suggestions about how to use music more effectively as an aid to relaxation.

Please consider helping support the American Heart Association by purchasing "Music for the Heart" logo merchandise. Not only does 5% of all royalties go to the American Heart Association, but we can all promote the connection between music and the heart by spreading the message!

Thank you!

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