Friday, November 2, 2007

Research: Abstract: The Effect of Preferred Sedative Music on the Anxiety of Patients During Pacemaker Implant Surgery and Heart Catheterization


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of patient preferred, sedative music on the state anxiety level of patients undergoing heart catheterization or pacemaker implant. Subjects were alternately assigned to experimental and control groups in order of admission to the operating room. Male subjects (N=22) in each group (N=11) completed a pre and post anxiety inventory in questionnaire format. Patients in the experimental group were allowed to choose from three different styles of sedative music to which to listen to during the surgical procedure. The change in anxiety levels between pre and post tests were compared between the control group and the experimental group using a one-way ANOVA test for two groups. Results indicated that patient preferred, sedative music significantly decreased state anxiety in patients who listened to preferred, sedative music during heart catheterization or pacemaker implant. Implications for clinical practice and further research are given.

Table of Contents


Chapter I............................................ 1

Introduction..................................... 1

Heart Catheterization........................ 2

Patient Anxiety.............................. 4

Research Question............................ 6

Definitions.................................. 7

Chapter II........................................... 7

Literature Review................................ 7

Music to Reduce Anxiety...................... 8

Preferred Music.............................. 9

Studies Related to Using Music in Medical

Settings.................................. 10

Chapter III.......................................... 16

Methods and Procedures........................... 16

Participants................................. 16

Apparatus.................................... 16

Instrument................................... 17

Music........................................ 17

Procedures................................... 17

Data Analysis................................ 20

Chapter IV........................................... 21

Results.......................................... 21

Chapter V............................................ 23

Discussion....................................... 23

References........................................... 27

Table 1.............................................. 31

Appendices........................................... 32

Appendix A: Consent Form

Appendix B: Self-Evaluation Questionnaire

Appendix C: Music


I would like to express my gratitude to the following people, without whose assistance this thesis would not have been possible.

To my committee members, Dr. Alicia Ann Clair, Dr. Alice-Ann Darrow, and Dr. James Daugherty for their guidance, knowledge and encouragement.

To my father, Gary Tague, whose assistance and support was fundamental to this project. His time spent in gaining approval for the research and assistance during all parts of the research process deserves the greatest thanks.

To Michail Parekh, M.D., Ram Kolluru, M.D., Madhava Agusala, M.D., Sudhir Amaram, M.D., Suresh Gadasalli, M.D., and Shanti Neerukonda, M.D., whose interest in this project and sincere concern for their patients allowed this research to take place.

To the catheterization lab staff and nurses whose support and friendliness made this research possible.

To the patients who took part in this project and so willingly gave of themselves and their time.

And finally to my wife, who through all of my research and schooling has been my unbreakable foundation.

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