Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cochrane Review: Music Therapy Effective Against Anxiety in Cancer Patients

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There is some great news from the Cochrane Reviews! A new analysis of 30 trials and 1891 participants has found a significant effect for music therapy and music medicine intervention on several key indicators. The review specifically looked at music interventions with cancer patients, but this is a great step forward in the research literature for many other types of patients. The researchers concluded that music interventions are especially effective in treating anxiety and in improving mood. They also found some evidence that music interventions may reduce heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate. 

 The Cochrane Reviews are widely used by the medical community to evaluate effective treatment options for patients. This new study is a welcome addition to the growing evidence that music therapy is a viable medical treatment that offers improved patient satisfaction and a cost-effective delivery. The review abstract can be found here. CBC-news, Radio Canada also did a story about the new findings here.

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1 comment:

  1. It's great to see music therapy making waves in mainstream medicine media. Pretty cool!!


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