Saturday, March 3, 2012

Update: GA License for Music Therapy

Here is an update about the legislative situation in GA regarding efforts to obtain state licensure for music therapy (click here for the original story).  AMTA and CBMT are quickly trying to assess the situation and provide some support to the Georgia music therapists.  

I provide this information only as an update and not necessarily as a call to action because the letters need to be delivered tomorrow.  Janice Lindstrom of The Music Therapy Show shared the following letter she received from the CBMT state recognition task force:   

You may have heard through the "grapevine" or read information about the
push back we are receiving in Georgia from the state speech therapy
organization. AMTA and CBMT are working to address this issue from a
national level and the GA task force is reaching out to the state speech
association and is in contact with their legislators. One such legislator
recommended we try to verify that this push back is specific to Georgia by
gathering letters of support from speech-language pathologists and speech
therapists outside the state.

Call to Action 
Please reach out to any speech and language colleagues and associates you
know who support music therapy and ask them to write a one-page letter of
support. Talking points can be geared towards how music and speech
therapists can work collaboratively and how they support the music
therapists' efforts to seek state recognition through licensure and
registration. Georgia has another committee meeting next Monday, so we will
need these letters BEFORE Monday, March 5th.

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